Inclusive Zone Basketball
How about asking your school if they would be interested?
Inclusive Zone Basketball (IZB) is a 4 a-side game, developed to enable players who cannot participate in a full game of basketball to enjoy playing the game. The zones used enable players to be matched in their abilities within these zones.
The small-sided teams and adapted playing area enable girls and boys, both disabled* and non-disabled, to participate in a fun game of basketball. The game takes into account principles of the ‘Social Model’ of disability, and lends itself to the modified and parallel sections of the ‘Inclusion Spectrum’
For schools and colleges who haven’t previously played the sport British Wheelchair Basketball can facilitate links with local wheelchair basketball clubs who can support with equipment and coaching.
* Suitable for electric wheelchair players, manual wheelchair players and ambulant with physical impairments. Players with learning disabilities may require additional support from Leaders in recognising and playing within the designated zones
IZB Regional Finals 2019
Team entry for the 2019/20 season of Inclusive Zone Basketball is now open.
For schools and colleges wishing to enter teams to compete in the regional competitions please complete a team sheet and return to the British Wheelchair Basketball Office.
Please note the age range for students wishing to play is 11-18 years old and a minimum of one team member must have a physical lower limb impairment (IZB Rules).
Download Team Entry Form
For more information visit British Wheelchair Basketball